Wendy McVicar is celebrating 37 years as a Registered Massage Therapist!

I would like to thank all clients past, present and future for the opportunity to work with you using simple yet powerful hands-on techniques. Massage therapy facilitates change, sometimes profound. More often, it takes a long-term commitment to the therapeutic relationship. Trust and communication develop over time to deepen the experience and increase the benefits to your health and well-being.

Massage treatment is a collaborative process, not a “magic bullet”. It can help get to the root cause of pain and dysfunction by discussing the many contributing factors. Like exercise, regular massage has cumulative benefits that aren’t limited to your muscular system. It relieves pain, improves posture, digestion, sleep, mood and recovery from injury, for example.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou



1060 Elliston Place.
Victoria, BC, V8X 1R4

My massage treatments are client centred and tailored to your current symptoms, pain threshold, general health and experience with massage. I believe the session should be a seamless blend of relaxation and treatment-focused work, where art and science meet.




Suite 201 821 Burdett Ave,
Victoria, BC